Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Matters Most is what Lasts the Longest

"Near the end of his life, one father looked back on how he had spent his time on earth. An acclaimed, respected author of numerous scholarly works, he said, 'I wish I had written one less book and taken my children fishing more often.' "Time passes quickly. Many parents say that it seems like yesterday that their children were born. Now those children are grown, perhaps with children of their own. 'Where did the years go?' they ask. We cannot call back time that is past, we cannot stop time that now is, and we cannot experience the future in our present state. Time is a gift, a treasure not to be put aside for the future but to be used wisely in the present."

-Thomas S. Monson

I had the opportunity today of going babysitting for a wonderful family from my home ward. I wasn't there for very long, but their home, and their family, left an impression on me. It was evident that they were striving their best to live the gospel and the be the best that they could be. They wanted to give their children the best future they could. They wanted to instill in them gospel principles in order for them to develop faith and a testimony to sustain them through the trying times that they will face in this world. It is so sad to see what children are already faced with at this age. My mom works in the nursery and she says kids are already catty, and acting like teenagers. The adversary is so cunning and the children of the rising generation are called to stand up to him, and to stand for what they know is right. These children have so much strength, but it is up to us to teach them that strength and perserverance.

I want to thank all those families out there that are striving to do their best, and to raise their children in the ways that they should go. I am greatful for examples like this family I tended for. Not a voice was raised while I was at their house, even when the kids misbehaved, it was just tender teaching. The kids respected me and behaved very well, and the moment the parents got home, they went outside to play and spend time with their children instead of getting wrapped up in things that don't matter, or last.

I hope one day to be able to strive to raise my family in such a way as this. I have a testimony of families and their divine purpose. I love my family so much. They are so good for me. Each one of us sent down to lift, and bless eachother, in order to be perfected and return unto him. We are on this journey with our families, I hope my family will be able to realize this eternal joy one day. And for those family members who are not quite headed in the right direction? I love them so dearly, I pray for them daily, I hope one day they realize how much I love them, and how much their Heavenly Father loves them, and because of this realization they will come to understand "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) The battle between good and evil is waging. And families are our greatest weapons. I know this to be true.

"And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for acourage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted."- Alma 53:20

"...We do not doubt our mothers knew it." -Alma 57: 48

Friday, April 15, 2011

"To see Him is to see the Father"

The other day (Wednesday) me and my Relief Society took a trip to STG to see the temple and to take a tour of the visitors center. It was a fun trip! The sister missionaries who showed us around the spot made me want to go on a mission so bad!!! Here is a little bit of my experience!
"I go, to prepare a mansion for you, In the kingdom of my Father."

What a glorious temple! I know this picture isn't all that great.. First of all, I had to take it quick cause it was the only time our relief society was outside and it was when we were walking between the visitors centers, so I just had to walk and snap. And this is what I got. I also played with my photo editor. I know I don't really know what I am doing in that field either but I just wanted to have some fun.
I have been to the temple multiple times. But for some reason, this time, the Christus really touched me. What a beautiful center piece for our visitors centers. It shows how our Gospel is centered on Christ. We are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I linked a talk given by Boyd K. Packer at the April 2011 General conference for the church. In it he said "The world will refer to us as they will, but in our speech, always remember that we belong to to Church of Jesus Christ." My bishop said something profound the other day, he said "always remember, thats what you do at baptism, you become HIS." What a blessing we have to be Gods children. To have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was willing to sacrifice for each of us individually. That he not only lived, but he died and lives again. He is preparing a mansion for each of us. I am so greatful for this!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What a wonderful beginning.. Or not so much?!

Alright so... I FINALLY got my wonderful DSLR camera! Woosh! One of those big fat awesome ones! I LOVE it! My mom and dad are the greatest for getting it for me!

I named him Pika.. like Pikachu from Pokemon but just the PIKA part (yes I name all my inanimate objects, don't judge) My inspiration for this name you ask? Well my mom posted on my facebook begging for pictures and she said PICTURES! and it reminded me cause I often pronounce the word "pictures" like Pika-tures" (Once again, Don't Judge!)

So I thought, what am I going to do with these pictures when I take them anyways? I am not really one for posting my random life on Facebook, but I still really wanted to post them, I feel posting them for the world to see gives them more validity, Kinda like writing a poem on paper, it gets it out instead of locked away in your little mind. But, then I thought, my pictures, are going to SUCK, especially when I am just getting started, I don't want people to see those! That's EMBARRASSING!... This thought was proceeded by another. I thought that maybe if I post it online I can,

1.) get feed back from those in the photography world who know what they are doing and can give me constructive criticism, teach me what I can do better, and tell me things I do well. This way I can grow on my strengths and strengthen my weaknesses.

2.) and reason two was so that if step one actually works for me, and I become to get better at this whole PIKATURE thing, I can visually see my progress from where I started at to how much I have grown, or in a more negative sense, I will look at my beginning pictures, and my more recent pictures, and see that my skills have not gotten any better, if not worse. This way I can more quickly come to the realization that I royally suck at this and can stop before i embarrass myself! :D

And for these reasons, I have pledged to post my pictures, even if they are terrible, painful to look at, or down right dirt, I am posting them so that I can learn from them! "What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger." So after that long explanation of nothing, here is the grand presentation of me and Pika's first attempt at what some might consider "art". I was mostly just playing around with him today, learning how he works and what he can do. I know my skills are lacking, especially since I haven't taken any classes (which I plan to do, promise!) But I hope you enjoy! *OH! and if you actually are knowledgeable in this area, PLEASE, I beg you, to feel free to speak up, I need all the help I can get! :D

Oh, and by the way, I am new to this "Blogger" world.. I don't really know much of the technical stuff, or the pretty decoration stuff, so bare with me! :D