Saturday, December 24, 2011

Those Sweet Moments :)

So today.... and these last couple days. But mostly today.. I've been spending time with my family... And I've been hit a few times with such tender moments of peace and joy.. I really can't describe it, but I just felt how much my Heavenly Father loves me and our family and how much he has blessed us. I could feel how pleased he was with us. I love this time of year possibly just for these feelings of family and togetherness... I love my Savior and how much he sacrificed for me and my family. I love how far we have come as a family and the beautiful times that we get to enjoy together! I think I've also really enjoyed the TRADITIONS this year. Traditions are what keep a family coming back year after year on these holidays. The sweet memories accompanied with these traditions will last us all a life time.. Its so much fun! :D I'll put pictures up with this later! :D

Merry Christmas Everyone! :D

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